Donald Trump Jr.’s Account Hacked: False Death Announcement and Presidential Ambition Cause Stir

Donald Trump Jr.’s account on X (formerly Twitter) was hacked on Wednesday morning. The account published a post that falsely claimed that his father, former president Donald Trump, had passed away. “I’m sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away,” the post read. “I will be running for president in 2024.” Andrew Surabian, […],

Donald Trump Jr.’s Account Hacked: False Death Announcement Causes Stir

A Shocking Revelation

In an unexpected turn of events, the social media account of Donald Trump Jr., the son of former President Donald Trump, was hacked on Wednesday morning. The account, which was previously known as Twitter but has since changed its name to X, sent out a false post claiming that Donald Trump had passed away. The shocking announcement took the internet by storm and sent shockwaves through political circles.

An Unfounded Presidential Ambition

The hacker behind the incident also used the post to make a bold claim that Donald Trump Jr. would be running for president in 2024. The sensational statement added to the frenzy surrounding the account breach, fueling speculation and amplifying the chaotic atmosphere on social media. Andrew Surabian, a spokesperson for Donald Trump Jr., was quick to denounce the false information and reassured the public that these claims were baseless.

The Fallout and Implications

While the hacking of high-profile accounts is not a new phenomenon, the false announcement of Donald Trump’s death and the subsequent declaration of a presidential run added an unprecedented twist to this incident. It serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of even the most prominent personalities in the digital age. As the investigation into the hack continues, the incident raises concerns about the security measures of social media platforms and the implications of such breaches on public trust.

Source: CNN (

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