Embrace the Frosty Fitness Frolic: Cool Calorie Incinerator Workout at Ski Dubai

This is going to be one cool session… If you’re the type who loves to get your calories burnt by doing all sorts of new and unique classes, we’ve got the perfect session for you. Crank, one of the UAE’s most loved boutique fitness studios has teamed up with Ski Dubai for a workout session […]

The post Torch those calories: Take a crank class at Ski Dubai this September appeared first on What’s On .,- Crank, a well-known boutique fitness studio in the UAE, has partnered with Ski Dubai for an exciting workout session.
– The fitness session is set to occur in September, offering fitness enthusiasts a unique and chilly workout experience.
– Participants will have the opportunity to exercise in an invigorating cold environment, a stark contrast from the usual hot and humid conditions of the UAE.
– The class will be conducted inside Ski Dubai, under freezing conditions, offering a new challenge to fitness freaks.
– The innovative new class is designed to quickly burn calories in an enjoyable way.
– Details about class timing, exact dates and the booking process are still to be released.

## Embrace the Frosty Fitness Frolic

This September, prepare to switch your typical sweltering sweat session for a chilly charade. Crank, UAE’s boutique fitness guru, is planning to give new meaning to the term “cold hard burn.” Teaming up with Ski Dubai, they’re planning to provide a locale that’s cool in more ways than one for your ultimate calorie torching.

### Hot Workout in the Cold Spot

In a daring divergence from Dubai’s typical desert-like conditions, fitness enthusiasts will be given the chance to work out in the rush-inducing cold environment of Ski Dubai. The promise is an unusual workout experience designed to amp up the thrill of fitness like never before. You think you can endure the relentless burpees and squats? Try doing them in below freezing conditions!

### Cool Calorie Incinerator

While we’re unsure of the scientific legitimacy behind quicker calorie burning amidst ice sculptures and penguins, we certainly can’t deny the fun factor. Picturing fitness freaks in their workout gear, donning snow hats and gloves, doing lunges and pushups alongside frolicking penguins certainly paints a picture of unique amusement.

### Sounds cool, but how do you keep a body warm?

Well, they say that the body burns more calories in cold conditions in an attempt to keep itself warm. So there might actually be some sense to this chilly stratagem. The only thing we are left wondering is whether they’ll serve hot chocolate after the session.

So, for fitness fanatics seeking a unique, chilly challenge in the arid desert, stay tuned. Details about the cool class timings, the exact dates, and how to get your chilly mitts on a booking are still tucked in Crank’s frosty pocket.

## Get Ready to Be the Coolest Gym Rat Around

So, there you have it folks, the ultimate cool down for your workout. It’s about to get “brr-illiantly” fit in here. This combo of Crank and Ski Dubai might just revolutionize the fitness industry in the UAE. In an era of heatwave, here’s finally a sweat session that’ll allow you to tell your friends, “I can’t hang out, I’m going to freeze in my workout class.” As for us, we’ll be sitting in the warmth, chuckling, and saluting all you brave enough to face a workout worth its weight in snowflakes. We’re awaiting the details as eagerly as you are. Until then, you might want to consider investing in thermal workout leggings!

Keep fit, stay chill, and remember, every push up counts, even if a skiing polar bear is your only witness.