Sizzle: The AI-powered Learning App Revolutionizing Math Education

Founded by the former vice president of AI at Meta, Jerome Pesenti, Sizzle is a free AI-powered learning app that generates step-by-step answers to math equations and word problems. The company recently launched four new features, including a grading capability, a feature that regenerates steps, an option to see multiple answers to one problem and […],

Sizzle: The AI-powered Learning App Making Math Easy


In the ever-evolving world of technology, AI-powered solutions are becoming increasingly prevalent, and Sizzle is no exception. Developed by Jerome Pesenti, the former vice president of AI at Meta, this free learning app is revolutionizing the way students approach math problems. With its step-by-step answer generation capabilities, Sizzle is making math easy and accessible for all.

The Power of Sizzle:

Sizzle recently unveiled four exciting new features that enhance its functionality. First, the app now includes a grading capability, allowing students to receive instant feedback on their work. This not only helps them identify their mistakes but also fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Secondly, Sizzle has introduced a feature that regenerates steps, guiding students through the problem-solving process and reinforcing their learning.

Multiple Answers for One Problem:

Another highlight of the app is the option to see multiple answers to a single problem. This feature encourages students to explore different approaches and solutions, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With Sizzle, math becomes a journey of discovery rather than a source of frustration.


In the realm of education, Sizzle is a much-needed tool that is simplifying the learning process for students. This AI-powered app not only provides step-by-step answers but also helps students grasp the underlying concepts. With its new features, Sizzle continues to innovate and empower students to excel in math. Say goodbye to math anxiety and embrace the power of Sizzle!

– Source: [Dubai Website](

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