The Struggles of Obtaining a Business Visa in Portugal: Vlad Shipilov’s Story

Two year ago, after Vlad Shipilov, a Russian immigrant, moved to Portugal, his business visa was denied because his lawyer wasn’t aware of certain requirements pertaining to visa applications originating from Russia. It ultimately took $16,000, joining immigration groups on Telegram and Facebook and the help of a Portugal-based friend to secure Shipilov his visa […],

The Struggles of Obtaining a Business Visa in Portugal: Vlad Shipilov’s Story


Imagine moving to a new country filled with excitement and hope, only to have your dreams crushed by a simple visa issue. This was the unfortunate case for Vlad Shipilov, a Russian immigrant who encountered a series of challenges when trying to obtain a business visa in Portugal. His story serves as a cautionary tale for those who are embarking on a similar journey.

The Roadblocks and Frustrations

Shipilov’s troubles began when his business visa application was denied due to his lawyer’s lack of awareness about specific requirements for visa applications originating from Russia. The setback forced Shipilov to face a lengthy and costly process. He had to invest $16,000, sought assistance from immigration groups on Telegram and Facebook, and even relied on the help of a Portugal-based friend to navigate the complicated system.

A Lesson Learned

Shipilov’s experience highlights the importance of thorough research and understanding the visa requirements of the country you are immigrating to, especially when it comes to business visas. It serves as a reminder that relying solely on legal professionals may not always suffice. It is crucial to be proactive and take extra steps, such as joining immigration groups and seeking guidance from locals who are familiar with the process.


Obtaining a business visa in a foreign country can be a daunting task, as Vlad Shipilov learned the hard way. His story sheds light on the challenges immigrants may face when navigating complex visa procedures. To avoid similar setbacks, it is vital to educate oneself about the specific requirements and seek various sources of information and support. By doing so, individuals can increase their chances of a successful transition to a new country.

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