Virtual Vibes: UAE Parents Tune into Online Extracurriculars, Ditching Dirham-Draining Classes!

In a rapidly evolving digital age, UAE parents are tuning into a new trend, and it’s not just the latest viral video or social media craze—it’s online extracurricular activities! As the cost of in-person classes for music, dance, languages, and other activities continue to soar, many families are trading traditional lessons for a more affordable alternative: virtual platforms.

Why pay thousands of dirhams for a weekly piano lesson or French class when your child can learn from the comfort of your living room? Parents are quickly realizing the value of these digital options, with platforms offering an array of activities at a fraction of the cost of in-person sessions. Whether it’s learning how to master a guitar solo, picking up the elegant moves of ballet, or becoming fluent in Spanish, online classes are making it all accessible.

For many parents, the affordability is the driving force. The average cost of traditional extracurricular activities can drain wallets fast—hundreds, if not thousands, of dirhams spent on just a few sessions. Meanwhile, online platforms are popping up, providing unlimited or extended access to quality instruction, often at prices that feel like pocket change in comparison. Subscription models, pay-as-you-go classes, and even free tutorials mean parents no longer have to choose between enrichment for their children and financial responsibility.

Beyond the price tag, the convenience of virtual learning adds another layer of appeal. No more battling traffic to drop the kids off at a studio or hiring expensive tutors to come to your home. Online platforms allow families to set their own schedule, making extracurriculars fit seamlessly into busy lives. Kids can hop online after school, dive into their passion projects, and still have time for dinner with the family—all without leaving the house.

In a world where time and money are precious, UAE parents are finding that online extracurriculars provide a win-win solution: enriching their children’s lives without draining their resources.