Germany, a nation renowned for its economic prowess and rich cultural tapestry, has recently unveiled...
Abu Dhabi, a visionary city at the forefront of sustainable development, is placing a strategic...
Title: Masdar City’s Estidama Mosque: A Beacon of Sustainable Design and Energy Efficiency In a...
Title: Celebrating Artistic Excellence: ‘Best Painting’ Awards Shine at Al Quoz’s Young Times Book Fair...
Title: Al Hosn Festival Returns: A Vibrant Celebration of Tradition, Camel Rides, and Culinary Delights...
Title: 2nd Abu Dhabi Government Games Set to Ignite Sports Spirit During Ramadan The anticipation...
Title: UN Women’s Organization Highlights Devastating Toll on Mothers in Gaza Amid Israeli Attacks In...
Title: Iran Strengthens Border Defenses with Air Drills Amid Rising Tensions In response to heightened...
Title: Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan’s Strategic Appointments Propel Dubai Government Towards Progress In a significant...
Title: Tragic School Dormitory Fire in Henan Claims 13 Lives, Shakes Province In a heartbreaking...
In a notable achievement in 2023, the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) showcased remarkable...
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, tragedy unfolded as Kenneth, the father of two-year-old Bronson,...
Dubai ‘Police Eye’ service: 108,000 public reports received from community, how to help boost safety
In Dubai, residents are taking an active role in supporting law enforcement through the utilization...
In the historic setting of Davos, the President of Israel highlighted the pivotal importance of...
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a notable emphasis on “demographic diversity” in the hiring...
In Dubai, residents are not merely spectators to law enforcement; they actively engage in the...
In the anticipation of the upcoming cricket competition, the vice-captain of the team is not...
The 11th FBMA International Show Jumping Cup has kicked off at the prestigious Al Ain...
In a strategic move to alleviate traffic congestion, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in...
Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation and opulence, is taking a bold step into the...
In a notable trend, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a frontrunner in...
In a tragic turn of events, the war-torn region of Syria faced renewed devastation as...
In a strategic move to attract global talent and foster economic development, Saudi Arabia has...